article is written with Eduardo Giménez, Professor of Economics at the
University of Vigo. It is the first part out of four, which will be published
in this blog. The full article will be published in the book
"Automatization" , which will be published by the European Liberal
Forum at the end of the year.
Rarely, technical change is neutral.
The introduction of new technologies makes obsolete the old ones, monopoly
rents associated with the possession of old technologies dissipate, demand for
certain occupations enlarges, while demand for other falls, a new elite of
millionaires arises, the leadership among nations changes,... Technological
change brings allocative and distributive changes that have an impact on all
spheres of our lives.
rise and development of the information and communications technologies has
represented different opportunities for the maid, the clerk and the doctor. The
computer has been a complement to the tasks of the doctor. The clerk has been
witness that she has been gradually replaced by computers in many of her tasks.
The computer has not significantly altered the tasks of the maid. Obviously,
their wages and employment opportunities have reacted to these changes. But, in
order to understand these changes, let's go bit by bit.
The race between education and technology
The path of technical change
caused by the rise and development of the information and communications technologies
has been skill-biased (see Katz and Murphy (1992)). This means that the
computers and computer-controlled equipment have significantly increased productivity
of the high-skill workers, while their impact on the productivity of the
low-skill workers has been less prominent. Consequently, relative demand of
high-skill workers increased and, thus, their relative wages rose. Some
empirical research reports a statistical correlation between the use of
information and communications technologies and either the employment share of
skilled workers or their wage share (see Bartel and Lichtenberg (1987) and Autor,
Katz and Krueger (1998))
During the eighties, the
skill premium –measured as the ratio of the wage earned by a worker with
college education to the wage earned by a worker with high-school education-
has undergone a rapid increase in most of the developed countries (see Figure 1). The increase
in the skill premium happened despite the long-standing uptrend in the relative supply of
college workers, which put downward pressure on the skill premium (see Figure 2). Therefore,
the rate of skill-biased technical change had to be high enough to offset this
downward pressure. Consequently, wage inequality was the outcome of a race
between technology and education, using the famous expression of Tinbergen
(1974) which gives the title to the book by Goldin and Katz (2008). Moreover,
it may well have happened that the increase in the supply of skilled workers has
encouraged skill-biased innovation (see Acemoglu (1998)).
However, the rate of increase of the skill premium decreased after the beginning of the nineties. Moreover, after the end of the eighties, as pointed in our first installment, the relationship between changes in the wage distribution and skill is no longer monotonic. Therefore, the relationship between technical change, wages and skills must be more complex than the one established by the explanation based on a path of skill-biased technical change.
However, the rate of increase of the skill premium decreased after the beginning of the nineties. Moreover, after the end of the eighties, as pointed in our first installment, the relationship between changes in the wage distribution and skill is no longer monotonic. Therefore, the relationship between technical change, wages and skills must be more complex than the one established by the explanation based on a path of skill-biased technical change.
Figure 1
![]() |
Source: Acemoglu and Autor (2011). Data for the United States. |
Figure 2
![]() |
Source. Acemoglu and Autor (2011). Data for the United States. |
The race against the machine
The routinization hypothesis
(Autor, Levy and Murnane (2003)) holds that computer and computer-controlled
equipment have substituted for workers in the routine tasks because computers
and computer-controlled equipment are highly productive and reliable at
performing the tasks that programmers can script, which are procedural,
rule-based activities. This means that the development of information and
communications technology has led to a race between machines and workers. The
issue is extensively addressed by Brynjolfsson and McAfee in two books (Brynjolfsson
and McAfee (2011, 2014)). We have taken the liberty of using title of the
former book to head this section. An excellent press article by Autor and Dorn
(2013) also addresses this issue.
The routinization hypothesis
can be seen as a sophisticated re-elaboration of the skill-biased technical
change hypothesis. According to this explanation, technical progress is biased,
but not in so simple way as asserted by the skill-biased technical change
hypothesis. In particular, technical change is not skill-biased, but
Acemoglu and Autor (2011)
classify occupations in four categories according to the kind of performed tasks.
(1) Non-routine cognitive task-intensive occupations (managerial, professional
and technical occupations), (2) routine cognitive task-intensive occupations (sales,
clerical and administrative support occupations), (3) routine manual task-intensive
occupations (production, craft, repair, and operative occupations), and (4) non-routine
manual task-intensive occupations (service occupations between which food
preparation and serving, cleaning and janitorial work, grounds cleaning and
maintenance, in-person health assistance by home aides, and numerous jobs in
security and protective services can be mentioned).
Non-routine cognitive tasks
are highly complementary to information and communications technologies, while
non-routine manual tasks, even being less complementary to information and
communications technologies, cannot be replaced by computers and
computer-controlled equipment because they require situational adaptability,
visual and language recognition, and in-person interactions. However, routine tasks
–both manual and cognitive- can be easily replaced for computers and
computer-controlled equipment.
As reported by Acemoglu and
Autor (2011), since the late eighties, the U.S. labor market has undergone (1)
an increase of employment in non-routine cognitive task-intensive occupations;
(2) an increase of employment in non-routine manual task-intensive service
occupations; and (3) a decline of employment in middle-skill, routine
task-intensive occupations (see Figure 3). Figure 4 and Figure 5 display changes in young-male and young-female employment for different occupations in several European countries.
Figure 3
![]() |
Source: Acemoglu and Autor (2011). Data for the United States. |
Figure 4
Therefore, the maid, the
clerk and the doctor are affected by computers in different ways. The relative
demand of the clerks falls because they are replaced by computers in many tasks
and her wage falls relatively to the wages of the doctor and the maid.
Moreover, the doctor can significantly increase her earnings taking advantage
of the information and communications technologies.
According to the
routinization hypothesis, there still remains a link between technical change
and skill. The reason is that non routine cognitive task-intensive occupations are
mostly performed by highly-skill workers, routine task-intensive occupations
are mostly performed by middle-skill workers, and non-routine manual
task-intensive occupations are mostly performed by low-skill workers. However,
differently to the skill-biased technical change, the relationship between
technical change and skill is not monotonic, which means that technical change
favored the high- and low-skill worker relatively to the middle-skill workers.
Moreover, the routinization hypothesis emphasizes the tasks associated to a job
as a main determinant of the wages of the workers (see Autor and Handel
Michaels, Natraj and Van
Reenen (2010) shows that demand for high-skill workers between 1980 and 2004 increased
more in the industries which increased relatively more their use of the
information and communications technologies, while the demand for middle-skill
workers fell rapidly. However, demand for low-skill workers were broadly
unaffected by the investment the industries made in information and
communications technologies.
In the next installment, we
address the question of how globalization is affecting the labor market.
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Bartel, A. P., &
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Brynjolfsson, E., &
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Goldin, C., & Katz, L.
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